Lead Dashboard: Showcase IDX's CRM

  • Updated

The Leads Dashboard is where you can manage all of your lead's contact info and search activity. Showcase provides a lite CRM solution which includes an in-depth look at your leads, giving you insights into what they are searching for, what they like, and even their web-presence.  

This tab also gives you the ability to manually create leads so you can take your offline business online fast and easy!  Let's take a look at the interface for our agents:

Leads Dashboard Landing Page


Want to see your lead's interface when they register on your site? Check out their Registered User Dashboard

By default you will see all registered leads assigned to anyone on your team (if you are an admin), or assigned to you (if you are not an admin).  These will display 25 results at a time, and will paginate automatically as more leads register.

The dashboard is sortable by Name, Status, Persona, whom its Assigned To, number of Viewed Listings, number of Messages, number of Comments, number of Reactions, number of Saved Listing, number of agent Subscribed Searches, First Seen, and Last Seen. The dashboard is a roll-up overview of all leads, the agent can click the name of the lead to expand their Lead Profile Page as well as make any changes for that lead (more information on making changes under Lead Profile Page below).

  • Name: First and last name you or your lead entered.  If sorting by name, it will be sorted alphabetically using last name. 
  • Status: Choose from 7 different lead Status labels to help you market, such as "contacted, closed deal, future, etc."  
  • Persona:  In addition to status labels, you can also classify your leads into 5 different personas, including "buyer, seller, time waster, etc."
  • Assigned To: If you have a large team or use our Lead Routing settings, leads can be assigned to different agents within your team.
  • Viewed Listings:  How many listings your lead has viewed while logged into your website.  You can see which listings they viewed by viewing their Lead Profile Page.
  • Messages:  How many messages your lead has initiated online from one of the contact forms on your website.  This would not include any offline emails exchanged, it is specifically from the use of the "Ask A Question" and "Scheduled a Tour" contact forms on a Listing Detail Page. 
  • Comments: The number of private and agent viewable comments your lead has made on all of their saved properties. 
  • Reactions: How many private & agent viewable comments your lead has made on properties. 
  • Saved Listing: The total number of listings your lead has saved.
  • Subscribed Searches:  The total number of searches you have subscribed your lead to.  This number does not include how many searches your lead has created and subscribed to from your website.
  • First Seen: This date is when your lead was first entered into the system.
  • Last Seen: This date is when your lead last logged into your website.
  • Actions: This is where you can delete the lead, or click into their Lead Profile Page.

Lead Profile Page

To see even more details about a lead, subscribe them to searches, and edit their information, click their name to see their Lead Profile Page.

The Lead Profile page gives you a much more in-depth look at your leads activity, including tracking things like Comments, Reactions, Saved Listings and more.  You can also make edits to help you stay organized.

Lead Profile Landing Page: Left Container  

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.50.23 AM.png

  • Editing Lead Contact Information: Edit lead's first name, last name, phone number and email address.  Be careful when changing their email address as that will also change their consumer facing dashboard login
  • SMS Opt-In: Indicates the date that the lead opted in to receive SMS, at the time they registered as a lead. They cannot opt-in at a later date. If the lead did not opt-in,  "No SMS Opt In Detected" is displayed, which will be true for all leads prior to 6/11/2024. Future opt-out information would be through your 3rd-party CRM or SMS system, thus would not update here. Showcase IDX does not offer SMS functionality. You would not be able to send an SMS to leads who do not explicitly check the box to opt-in. Failure to comply could be a violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
  • Update Lead Status & Persona: To edit your lead's persona and their current status, click the little pencil button to the right:   
    Persona Choices Status Choices
    Buyer New
    Seller Contacted
    Client Attempted Contact
    Past Client Active
    Time Waster Inactive
      Closed Deal
      Past Client
      Non Client
  • Messages: Click to view their messages.  You can click into the content to be linked to the listing they sent the message from and additional contact details such as contact time preferences, showing day preferences. Along the right side, clicking the blue arrow will open your primary.
  • First & Last Seen: See when the lead registered on the website the first time, and when they were last on the website, logged in and searching.
  • Social Profile Icons: Along the left panel, you'll find the logo icons for the connect social platforms links to your lead's email address.  When in the Recent Activity tab, the lower right container will display the social profile feed that can give you a good insight into who your leads are, with a mini-feed of their recent activity on their social accounts.
  • Send New Saved Search Subscription: Start your lead on a new Search Recommendation right from the Lead Profile page!
  • Assigned To: See or change the agent assigned to this lead, if you have more than one person on your team.
  • Friends & Family: If your lead is part of a Search Party under the Friends & Family feature, see the names of the other members of their search party here.  Unfortunately, there's not currently away to link leads to Search Parties after they've independently registered.
  • Tags & Notes: These are visible only to the agent but can be a helpful place to make notes.  Please note, currently, these features are not searchable or indexable, additionally, once added, a tag or note cannot currently be deleted.

Lead Info Landing Page: Activity Status Bar 


A handy map gives you a visual overview of where in the market your lead is looking for a home in which displays in the Recent Activity, Listing Views, Saved Listings and Hidden Listings tabs.  We break down the recent activity into each category.

  • Recent Activity:  Roll-up of the recent activity, including how long ago your lead has viewed each listing, the listings they have commented or recommended it, as well as how many times they've viewed each.
  • Listing Views: Each listing your lead has viewed, how many times and how long ago.
  • Saved Listings: Which listings your lead liked enough to specifically save to their Registered User Dashboard.
  • Search Subscriptions: View and edit the search subscriptions your lead is currently subscribed to.  Your lead may have created their own saved search within their Registered User Dashboard.  To edit, delete, or change email frequency: click the edit button to the right of the search name: 
    1. Changing Saved Search: Make any lead-specific changes to a saved search.  Editing the search from the Lead Profile Page, will not change the original saved search in the Search Library
    2. Email Frequency:  In the upper right corner, there is a drop down to change how frequent the lead is emailed when there is a new listing that meets the criteria of the search 
    3. Delete Saved Search: This will remove the lead from this saved search              
  • Comments:  Members of the Friends & Family Search Party can comment on listings amongst themselves either by private (the agent is unable to view these comments) or agent visible comments. By default, the comments are marked private.
  • Reactions:  The search party can also react to listings by using one of 5 pre-determined reaction emojis:  Love It, Like It, Indifferent, Dislike It, Hate it.
  • Hidden Listings:  See what listings your lead has intentionally hidden from their view.


Still not enough?  Looking for more robust CRM features?  Showcase utilizes Zapier to integrate with all the industry-leading CRM's, as well as offering premium integrations with Slack, Liondesk and Followup Boss...with more premium integration to be announced in the future!  Here's more about our integrations, as well as instructions on setting them up.