Missing Location in Search

  • Updated

When doing a search for a particular location, whether it be a city, subdivision, zipcode, or even an individual listing, and you seem to be unable to select the correct option, there are few things you can check.

There does need to be at least 1 active listing (or a listing that is a supported status) in order for a location to show up.

Search Restrictions Settings

The first thing we recommend checking is your Search Restriction SettingsThis can be found in your IDX Control Panel, under the Settings tab > SEARCH.

If you have set up location restrictions ('Allow Search Only in These Locations'), the listing or location you are looking for could be outside of the restricted area. Simply update your restrictions to include the area you're looking for or the listing is in.

Warning: We recommend only using one type of location in this section. For example: If you are restricting your feed by city, only use city locations and not city and subdivision locations. If you're restricting your feed by county, only use county and not county and zipcode.

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Draw A Polygon

If the location, say a subdivision or building, is not appearing still, you might try drawing a polygon around the general location on the map to catch any available listings.

If there are no available listings yet, it's recommended to draw a polygon to catch the listings when they come online. This may be a bit more time-consuming, but should produce the same, if not better results!



If you're not seeing a specific listing, try reviewing this knowledgebase article for further troubleshooting options.